Nullada, a male member of the Shell Hutt clan, was a Hutt of the species. By the time 1 BBY rolled around, this massive individual, who relied on a repulsorlift cylinder for mobility, held a prominent position as an elder and leader among the Shell Hutts on their planetoid base, Circumtore. In that year, Oph Nar Dinnid, a fugitive with a bounty on his head, sought sanctuary on Circumtore, only to be pursued by a group of bounty hunters led by the notorious Boba Fett. Despite the potential profit Dinnid represented to the Shell Hutts and Nullada, Gheeta, another Shell Hutt, acted on a long-standing grudge against Fett by killing Dinnid and unleashing mercenaries to attack the hunters. The ensuing conflict resulted in Gheeta's death and the near annihilation of the mercenaries, leaving Fett and his surviving companions victorious. Fett predicted that Nullada would likely inherit the majority of Gheeta's assets following his demise.
Nullada, an elderly male of the Shell Hutts, was a member of this clan within the slug-like Hutt species. Sometime before 1 BBY, Gheeta, another Shell Hutt, received the assignment to construct a terminal and diplomatic reception area on Circumtore, the Shell Hutts' planetoid base situated in Hutt Space. Gheeta then employed Emd Grahvess, a freelance architect, to carry out the construction for the Shell Hutts, with the secret intention of killing him upon completion to ensure Gravhess never surpassed his work on Circumtore. However, Gravhess preemptively placed a bounty on himself, which the famed bounty hunter Boba Fett collected, rescuing the architect from Gheeta's grasp. Nullada and the other Shell Hutts witnessed Gheeta's humiliation in this affair, which led to a demotion within the Shell Hutt ranks.
Later, by 1 BBY, Nullada's size had increased considerably, to the point where his repulsorlift cylinder, a standard piece of equipment worn by the Shell Hutts, seemed small in comparison. In that year, Oph Nar Dinnid, a Lyunesi, had a bounty placed on his head for offending a liege lord of the Narrant system by engaging in a relationship with the liege's alpha concubine. As a result, Dinnid sought refuge in the Circumtore system. The Shell Hutts granted him sanctuary on Circumtore because Dinnid possessed memory augmentors containing highly confidential information about the Narrant system's business dealings and records, which could be valuable to the Shell Hutts. Given that the augmentors released secrets gradually, Nullada, now the leader of the group on Circumtore, and the Shell Hutts intended to keep Dinnid as a long-term investment. However, a team of bounty hunters from the Bounty Hunters' Guild soon arrived, seeking to claim the bounty on Dinnid's head. Led by Boba Fett, the team included D'harhan, Zuckuss, Bossk, and one of the IG-88 assassin droids.

The bounty hunters received permission to land on Circumtore, but they were required to surrender their weapons due to heightened security measures implemented after the architect incident. Nullada and a contingent of Shell Hutts greeted the hunters in a grand hall within the diplomatic reception area. The elder Shell Hutt observed as Fett attempted to negotiate with Gheeta regarding Dinnid, but the disgraced Shell Hutt soon allowed his resentment over the Gravhess incident to surface. Despite Nullada's attempts to dissuade Gheeta from seeking revenge, the other Shell Hutt persisted and destroyed the dais on which he had been hovering with his repulsorlifts. Beneath the wreckage of the dais lay Dinnid's corpse, whom Gheeta had previously had killed. Gheeta had contacted the individuals in the Narrant system who had placed the bounty on Dinnid and received payment to ensure that the secrets Dinnid possessed remained hidden. The murder of Dinnid infuriated Nullada, who was enraged that Gheeta had acted without the knowledge of the other Shell Hutts and deprived them of the valuable secrets Dinnid carried.
Nevertheless, Gheeta proceeded with his plan to eliminate Fett, ordering a group of mercenaries stationed around the hall to attack Fett and his bounty hunters. However, before they could strike, Fett detonated a bomb that Gravhess had installed during the hall's construction, stunning and disorienting most of the occupants, including Nullada. The explosion toppled Nullada's repulsorlift cylinder and severed the ropes that kept the fat rolls on his face from obscuring his features. The bounty hunters, having acquired weapons, engaged the mercenaries, leaving the terrified Shell Hutts and Nullada caught in the crossfire. The skirmish ended swiftly after Fett reactivated the lethal capabilities of D'harhan, a cyborg with a powerful laser cannon for a head. Upon witnessing D'harhan's unleashed power, the Shell Hutts in the room retreated into their armor and sealed their cylinders' hatches to protect themselves. The mercenaries were annihilated by the cannon, and Gheeta was killed, although D'harhan also fell. Nullada did not mourn Gheeta's death, and Fett later speculated that Nullada would inherit the majority of Gheeta's estate.
By the time of 1 BBY, Nullada had become one of the largest Shell Hutts, dwarfing many of his clan members. His immense size required ropelike restraints to prevent the fat rolls on his face from completely covering his mouth and yellow eyes. He was able to attain such size due to the repulsorlift cylinder that he and the other Shell Hutts wore. These cylinders encased the entire body, excluding the head, and featured mechanical arms controlled by the Shell Hutt's hands, as well as a hatch for head protection. Nullada's cylinder was appropriately sized for his massive frame.
Nullada, as a member of the Shell Hutts, shared the reputation for greed common among Hutts. He believed that business should be conducted without emotional involvement and attempted to persuade Gheeta to disregard the past and deal with Fett objectively. However, Nullada was unaware of the extent of Gheeta's revenge plot until the younger Hutt initiated his plans to kill Fett. Already displeased with Gheeta's pursuit of vengeance, the elder Shell Hutt became furious when Gheeta murdered Dinnid, as it interfered with business. Nullada was also angered by Gheeta's overreach and unauthorized negotiation behind the others' backs. Furthermore, the massive Hutt was deeply angered by the damage inflicted on the diplomatic facility during the skirmish.
Nullada made his first appearance in an extensive flashback in The Mandalorian Armor, written by K. W. Jeter and published in 1998. Nullada was also included as a sample Hutt name in 2003's Ultimate Alien Anthology, and the elderly Shell Hutt later received an entry in The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia, released in 2008.