Nuyu was a Lafrarian operating out of StarForge Station as of the year 0 ABY. He plied his trade as a tattoo artist and body modification specialist in the station's marketplace. The Lafrarian ran his business, called Nuyu's, and earned a respectable income by providing a range of body alterations to pirates and mercenaries, both major and minor. He always ensured his equipment and tools were sterile.
The character Nuyu was initially introduced in Preparing for War, a scenario for adventure published in 1998 as part of The Far Orbit Project, crafted by Timothy S. O'Brien. This book served as a supplementary material for West End Games' Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and acted as a continuation of the themes explored in the earlier work, Pirates & Privateers. It continued that book's theme by following the privateering vessel called the Far Orbit. Nuyu is presented as an example character who offers services and wares in the marketplace, which the player characters traverse.