Odacer-Faustin Sith academy

The Odacer-Faustin Sith academy represented one of multiple Sith academies that functioned throughout both the Great Galactic War and the Cold War. Darth Drear initially built this institution, but Darth Scabrous supervised it during the Sith Empire's rule in the time following the Great Hyperspace War. Darth Scabrous's tower stood at the academy's core, situated next to the academy library. The academy descended into disarray when a virus infected all of its Sith Lord faculty and students, turning them into undead cannibalistic monsters.

Prior to the 3645 BBY infection, the staff consisted of Human Darth Scabrous, who served as its headmaster, and Dail'Liss, a Neti who worked as its librarian.

