
Ohratuu, a terrestrial world, could be found inside the Ohratuu system. This system was situated in the Piryn Shar sector of the Expansion Region. Deripors, a species of peaceful, land-dwelling herd animals, considered it their homeworld. The planet acted as their place of origin.

Around 3 ABY, Reesen Jivrak, a one-time general from the Rebel Alliance, made the planet his base of operations with a small group of followers. Jivrak utilized his specially modified Science Research Droid, Geth, to create toxins. He then injected these toxins into the deripors' nervous systems, which made them stronger and more aggressive. The ex-Rebel general then used these enhanced deripors to conduct quick surprise attacks.

Behind the scenes

The first reference to Ohratuu appeared in "Toria Tell's Droid Journal," which was an article by Christian Piccolo. It was published in May of 1996 in West End Games' Star Wars Adventure Journal 10. The Essential Atlas, a reference book from 2009, pinpointed the Ohratuu system, and consequently the planet Ohratuu, as being located within grid square K-16.


Notes and references
