Onacra, situated on Aduba-3, was a modest agricultural settlement, home to approximately 100 inhabitants. Its location was in reasonable proximity to Tun Aduban, the planet's singular spaceport.
Most settlements across the planet were established by missionaries, proselytizing the teachings of the Sacred Way. However, Onacra's genesis stemmed from a family dissenting from these missionary teachings. Though largely in agreement with the core beliefs, the village's founders believed that many of the religion's rituals had become obsolete.
In the years leading up to the Battle of Yavin, Onacra found itself under the oppressive thumb of Serji-X Arrogantus and his band of Cloud-Riders. Annually, they would terrorize the town by stampeding the town's banthas, setting fire to the crops, and abducting the women. In 1 BBY, the Cloud-Riders even crashed into some of the residential structures.
Ultimately, the villagers brokered an agreement with Arrogantus. To avoid further devastation from the Cloud-Rider's raids, they proposed an annual payment of 9,000 credits.
Unsurprisingly, this arrangement did not sit well with the villagers. Consequently, they resolved to enlist assistance to permanently eliminate Arrogantus's threat. Ramiz was tasked with journeying to Tun Aduban to seek out a protector for Onacra. There, he encountered Han Solo and Chewbacca, who went on to form the Eight for Aduba-3. With the aid of the Behemoth from the World Below, the Eight brought the Cloud-Riders' reign of terror to a definitive end.
Among the residents of Onacra were: