On the planet of Onadax, there existed a corporation known as Onadax Droid Technologies (ODT). Their specialization lay in the construction of Human replica droids (HRDs), which were infused with the very essence and sentience of living individuals.
This procedure was dependent on a specific variation of Ssi-Ruuvi entechment. This unique form allowed the entechment rig to duplicate a being's sentience, personality, and even their full consciousness. This was done by transferring it from their original body into a machine, electronically encoding the data within the machine itself. This method circumvented the challenges that come with directly transferring life. Aside from producing standard HRDs, ODT had also commenced development on new All-Species Replica Droids designed to replicate other species. The company's operations were managed by the HRD incarnation of Stanton Rendar, whose creation was the primary objective behind the company's establishment by Dash Rendar and Guri.
During the Yuuzhan Vong War, ODT was responsible for creating the HRD version of Prime Minister Molierre Cundertol. Jedi Knight Jaina Solo journeyed to Onadax to investigate the Cundertol replica. She attempted to convince Rendar to surrender to the Galactic Alliance. His response was to unleash the factory's droid forces upon Solo, providing cover for his escape. The resulting battle caused the factory's destruction, though Rendar successfully evaded capture.
The short story that served as the introduction to this company, "Or Die Trying," only referred to it as ODT, without ever explicitly defining the meaning of the letters. The acronym could represent either Onadax Droid Technologies or the story's title, potentially implying an intentional double meaning.