Onjo Fegel served as an officer within Imperial Intelligence during the time of the Galactic Empire's rule. This young, powerfully built man hailed from the planet called Tuttin IV and possessed skill as a kloo horn musician, playing in one of the most accomplished amateur b'ssa nuuvu ensembles.
Fegel completed his studies at the Imperial Academy, specializing in Intelligence, where he had the opportunity to meet Governor Shran Etison, who also enjoyed b'ssa nuuvu music.
During an assignment to the Six Local Systems, Fegel became a member of the music group Far Cry. His intention was to expose the Rebel Alliance cell that was providing assistance to the accused spy, Keth Beamis, located on Beltrix III. After arriving on Beltrix III, Fegel left the band and embarked on a mission to reveal the Holstrum Talent Agency's involvement in supporting the Alliance. His hope was that this would lead to a desirable position in the Core Worlds. However, Ryley Ancum had already secretly informed the Beltrix III cell about the Imperial presence; consequently, Fegel's efforts were fruitless, and he returned to his home planet without receiving the promotion he desired.