Onoh, a Lizling of the male persuasion, was in the service of Gardulla Besadii the Elder during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. Later, he became the guard for Jabba Desilijic Tiure's personal storage facility at Glass Mountain. Subsequent to the Hutt's death, Gizman and Spiker abducted him when they made off with the Spirit of Jabba, and he became an unwilling pirate in their company.

Employed as a servant by Gardulla Besadii the Elder on Tatooine, Onoh greeted Jabba Desilijic Tiure at Gardulla's residence before the Boonta Eve Classic in 32 BBY. The Hutts placed bets on the Podracer race winner, and he exchanged a concerned look with his employer as Jabba accepted Gardulla's wager and left.
For a number of years, Onoh was employed by Jabba Desilijic Tiure as a watchman at the Hutt's clandestine hangar located in Glass Mountain on Tatooine. This hangar housed the Spirit of Jabba along with eight invaluable Mendacian funeral urns originating from the Krung Dynasty. The Hutt provided Onoh with yearly compensation, and he resided in a small dwelling at the mountain. After Jabba's demise, Onoh was threatened by numerous thugs dispatched by Gorga Desilijic Aarrpo who sought entry to Jabba's storage facility. He was tortured with dune biters until he revealed the secret entrance. Gorga gave the order to kill Onoh, but the arrival of Big Gizz and Spiker saved him. The two mercenaries verified Jabba's passing and commandeered the Spirit of Jabba, taking Onoh with them and forcing him into piracy as a pirate. While trying to evade Gorga, they discovered the Jabba Tape, and the interactive security tape gained control of their vessel. Nevertheless, the escort freighter Nemphas shot them down, and Onoh input the operational code he had memorized, thus betraying Jabba but enabling his new comrades to seize control of the ship. As they flew over Gorga's private strip in Mos Eisley, Onoh assisted Spiker in releasing the ship's contents onto Gorga and his associates. Following a chase, the pirates crashed and traveled through the desert.
Sometime later, the three were situated near the Mos Espa Grand Arena, which was in a state of disrepair, when a Jawa sandcrawler suddenly appeared and destroyed Gizz's speeder bike. Being the only one in the group who understood the Jawa language, Onoh spoke with Klepti B'ay, the sole survivor of the accident. Klepti explained that his clan had been eliminated by a terrifying battle droid they had mistakenly salvaged and reactivated. An Imperial dark trooper droid emerged from the wreckage of the sandcrawler and attacked the group. After Gizz and Spiker threw everything they had at the deadly machine to slow it down, Klepti and Onoh ended it by dropping a large boulder on top of it from a ledge. Now joined by Klepti, who declared that he owed a life debt to Gizz, the gang departed.
As a Lizling, Onoh's skin was yellow and scaly, and he had large, bulging eyes. He had two lengthy barbels hanging from his chin, along with a slender tail and claws on his hands and feet. He typically wore a tattered brown tunic and a blue hood. Onoh was loyal to Jabba, yet he displayed signs of cowardice and revealed the secret of Glass Mountain when threatened with torture by dune biters. He was fluent in both Galactic Basic Standard and Huttese.