Oranessan was a world situated in the Grumani sector, identified as a planet.
This world, Oranessan, was a ravaged and polluted place, characterized by cloud cover and storms. It was strategically located in proximity to the endpoints of several different hyperspace routes.
As part of the Seswenna Expansion, the route of the Hydian Way was mapped through Oranessan between the years of 3701 BBY and 3699 BBY.
During the era of the New Sith Wars, Oranessan came under the dominion of the Daimanate, a Sith realm governed by the Sith Lord known as Daiman. This Sith Lord utilized Oranessan as a pivotal transport hub, facilitating the deployment of support vessels to the Daimanate's far-reaching frontiers. However, its considerable distance from the Daimanate's core territories meant the planet received only minimal defensive resources.
The Jedi initially conceived a plan for a raid on Oranessan. However, upon receiving intelligence about the commencement of baradium mining operations on Chelloa, a Daimanate world, they shifted their focus. They instead decided to launch an assault on the Sith forces stationed on Chelloa, with the Oranessan operation serving as the initial phase of this broader offensive. This undertaking, dubbed Operation Influx, was initiated in 1032 BBY by a Jedi team under the leadership of Jedi Master Vannar Treece. The Jedi infiltrated Oranessan aboard a captured Daimanate personnel shuttle. Disguised as pilots, Treece, along with the Jedi Kerra Holt and Dorvin Eltrom, seized control of a Daimanate Heavy-Lift Starcrosser from the Sith's transport landing area. The Jedi intended to use this transport to reach Chelloa, but they discovered that the navigation computer was missing its essential activation cylinder. Holt then procured a replacement cylinder from a nearby hangar. After installing the recovered device, the Jedi departed from Oranessan.