Ordith Huarr

Ordith Huarr, a male Lorrdian, spent his entire life as a citizen of Lorrd.


During his time in both the Galactic Republic and the Imperial eras, he worked as a shuttle pilot. However, the emergence of the Rebel Alliance piqued his interest, and he dedicated the peak of the Galactic Civil War to flying a Y-wing, achieving only half a kill throughout his service. Before going back to Lorrd, where it is believed he encountered his future wife, he transitioned into the less eventful role of a flight instructor.

When the Yuuzhan Vong arrived at the galaxy's borders, he was called upon to pilot refugee transports. Like many at the time, the Yuuzhan Vong War left him disheartened as he moved refugees from planet to planet. Following the invasion, he and his wife established a peaceful rural property on the planet of education. Their life was relatively peaceful until his wife's death in 38 ABY. The unfortunate Ordith would also have a Sith interfere in his final years.

At the age of eighty-one standard years in 40 ABY, Ordith was the starting point for a series of significant Jedi-related incidents on Lorrd. Nelani Dinn, the young Jedi assigned to Lorrd, was asked to go to Lorrd City Spaceport. Huarr's old Y-wing, filled with explosives and tilted precariously, had its weapons, including armed proton torpedoes, aimed at a complex of student barracks. Dinn stepped in, beginning negotiations, until Jacen Solo, one of her companions, toppled the Y-wing, causing its ammunition to scatter across the spaceport. Huarr reportedly stood by, helpless, as officers from the Lorrd Security Force arrived.

As Dinn was confronting Solo, Ben Skywalker, Solo's apprentice, sensed something amiss. He yelled loudly, ordering the officers to retreat. As they moved back, Huarr and the remains of his starfighter exploded. Skywalker's actions ensured that Huarr only killed himself.

Before his death, Huarr claimed to have seen his wife as a Force ghost, which was his reason for requesting the Jedi's presence. In a manner disturbingly similar to Matric Klauskin's descent into madness, numerous sightings of Force ghosts would trigger comparable situations among individuals in Lorrd City.

