Out of the Closet: The Assassin's Tale

Narrated from a first-person perspective, the short story "Out of the Closet: The Assassin's Tale" penned by Jennifer Roberson, unleashes the Anzati brain-devourer, Dannik Jerriko, within the confines of Jabba's Palace. This narrative was featured in Tales from Jabba's Palace, released in December of 1995 under the Bantam Spectra imprint.

Plot summary

The perplexing demise of Ak-Buz and Phlegmin can be attributed to Dannik Jerriko. These fatalities served only to temporarily appease his vampiric cravings, as he eagerly awaits the chance to fully indulge in Han Solo's cerebral "soup." However, Jerriko's chance slips away when Jabba escorts Solo to the Great Pit of Carkoon, with neither of them ever making their way back to the palace after the excursion.
