Overload spell

An affliction known as an overload spell, sometimes referred to as sensory overload, was a frequent headache experienced by Chiss sky-walkers within the jurisdiction of the Chiss Ascendancy. This malady would be triggered when a sky-walker was pushed beyond their limits or navigated within a complex multi-star star system, resulting in the onset of a spell upon emerging from a state of Third Sight. For example, the sky-walker Che'ri experienced an overload spell while aboard the Springhawk in 19 BBY when the vessel entered a quadruple star system.


The symptoms that manifested included an intense headache, coupled with visual disturbances described as "sparkle-vision," and vertigo; all of which impaired the sky-walker's navigational capabilities.

Behind the scenes

The initial depiction of overload spells occurred in Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, a work penned by Timothy Zahn and made available to the public on September 1, 2020.

