Paar's ichthyodont

The ichthyodont of Paar was a sizable saurian organism native to the world of Panna Prime.


These organisms were large in size, characterized by their tan hide, crimson eyes, and a single horn situated atop their head. Frequently employed as a mode of transportation on Panna, they were well-known for their voracious hunger, which they satisfied using an elongated and yellowish prehensile tongue.

The most significant difference between this species and the seemingly genetically connected "Panna dragon" was their ocular features. The ichthyodont possessed red eyes featuring large pupils located on the sides of its head, whereas Panna dragons had white eyes with tiny pupils, positioned at the front of their head.


During the year 0 ABY, the infamous bounty hunter known as Boba Fett utilized an ichthyodont for traversing the Mud Moon in order to locate Luke Skywalker. His goal was to gain Skywalker's confidence, prompting the latter to lead him to the new Rebel Alliance's base under the directives of Darth Vader.

Behind the scenes

The initial naming of this creature occurred on the "Holiday Special Boba Fett Character Key" document from Acme Archives.

A smaller and paler animal, bearing a striking similarity to the ichthyodont, coexisted within the same habitat as both the ichthyodont and the Panna dragon. Its physical structure did not appear substantially different; it might have simply been a juvenile of the same species, or a different sex than the creature ridden by Boba Fett.

The term "Ichthyodont" translates to "fish-tooth" when interpreted from Ancient Greek.

