The Panna dragons were sizable, reptile-like beings that inhabited the world of Panna Prime.
These creatures were large and possessed red skin, rendering them impervious to standard blaster fire. Notably, they exhibited a preference for consuming metal derived from starships and other diverse origins.
Their physical characteristics encompassed a prominent spike located at the rear of their heads, along with a spike extending from each side of their necks. Furthermore, they featured four ridges running along the back of their necks, a solitary line of dorsal ridges stretching along the entirety of their backs and tails, and four flippers resembling paddles.
The most significant differentiating characteristic between this species and the seemingly related Ichthyodont was in their eyes. Panna dragons possessed white eyes characterized by small pupils and positioned at the front of their heads, whereas Ichthyodonts had red eyes with large pupils located on the sides of their heads.
During the year 0 ABY, Luke Skywalker had an encounter with one of these creatures subsequent to his landing on Panna in pursuit of Han Solo and Chewbacca. The Panna dragon commenced consuming the metal of Luke's Y-Wing. Boba Fett repelled the dragon through the employment of a subjugation prong.