Palu Zerk, a Human female resident of a town on Naboo's moon called Rori, existed during the Galactic Civil War. She was the elder sibling of Feinu Zerk. Subsequent to the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, both sisters found themselves employed by the criminal empire of Jabba Desilijic Tiure on Tatooine. From her shop in the small town of Wayfar, Palu specialized in crafting uniquely tailored, disease-resistant clothing and other superior garments specifically for the favored soldiers of Jabba. Her sister, working as a delivery courier, would then transport these items to the Hutt's elite guard. During one such delivery, Feinu was attacked by henchmen of the rival Valarian Syndicate, who attempted to abduct her for ransom. However, before they could carry out their scheme, Feinu was rescued by a spacer sent by Palu. In gratitude for rescuing her younger sister, Palu gifted the heroic individual a Treated Protective Coverall. This garment was then used by the spacer to collect bile from the sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon, a crucial component in the creation of the Zicx-bug bomb.
Palu Zerk, a Human female resident of a town on Naboo's moon of Rori, was the older sister of Feinu Zerk. During the time of the Galactic Civil War fought between the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic, both Palu and her sister ended up in the small town of Wayfar located on the Outer Rim desert world of Tatooine. Following the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, the two sisters entered into a business arrangement with the criminal enterprise headed by the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Palu also befriended another criminal in Jabba's employ, a Sullustan named Jowir Ar'Lensa. From her Wayfar shop, Palu created custom disease-resistant clothing and other high-end garments exclusively for Jabba's elite forces. Feinu would then transport this newly made equipment to Jabba's elite guard along the short, yet perilous route from Wayfar to Jabba's Palace. Despite her older sister's concerns, Feinu traveled alone. Their arrangement attracted the attention and anger of Lady Valarian, Jabba's rival. On one of her return trips from the palace, Feinu was delayed. When Palu learned from palace scouts that she had departed several hours prior, she began to fear the worst, correctly suspecting the Valarian Syndicate might be involved in her disappearance.
Fortunately for Palu, a spacer recommended by Jowir Ar'Lensa agreed to search the town's outskirts for her sister. It turned out that Feinu had indeed been ambushed by three Valarian thugs led by a Valarian swooper leader. The Valarian thugs warned Feinu that any movement would result in her immediate disintegration. She screamed for help as the gang attempted to kidnap her and hold her for ransom. Before they could succeed, however, the spacer sent by Palu spotted the young woman in distress and killed the four thugs attacking her. Feinu thanked her rescuer, and as the spacer escorted her back to Palu's shop in Wayfar, she vowed to one day seek revenge against the Valarian swoopers. Once Feinu was safely back in town, her older sister expressed her deepest gratitude. As thanks, she gave the spacer some credits and a Treated Protective Coverall, a special suit resistant to disease. The spacer needed such a suit to collect corrosive bile from the sarlacc at the Great Pit of Carkoon. The spacer required the bile as a constructive component for the Zicx-bug bomb. However, gifting the spacer such a suit was an especially risky prospect for Palu. Due to her exclusive agreement with Jabba's elite guard, Palu knew that if Jabba discovered she had given the suit away, the Hutt crime lord would have them both killed. For this reason, she urged the spacer to leave her be, despite being grateful to individual for saving her younger sister.
Palu Zerk possessed fair skin, brown hair, and brown colored eyes. Palu was somewhat aloof, and would sometimes turn away passersby when she was busy crafting her specialized clothing for Jabba's elite forces. If approached by someone unfamiliar, she would direct them to her friend Jowir, claiming he enjoyed meeting new people. Palu was particularly protective of her younger sister. She disapproved of Feinu traveling to and from Jabba's Palace alone, fearing trouble from the rival Valarian gang. When Feinu was several hours late, Palu worried about her sister's safety and implored the spacer recommended by Jowir to search the town's edge to find her. The spacer agreed, and Palu urged them to hurry. She did not tolerate any delay in locating her younger sister and was prepared to leverage her friendship with Jabba if any harm befell her. Fortunately for the spacer tasked with rescuing Feinu, this was unnecessary. Feinu was located and saved from the Valarian thugs. In gratitude for saving her little sister, Palu expressed profound thanks, even providing the spacer with a Treated Protective Coverall designed exclusively for Jabba's people. She did this knowing that Jabba would have her killed if he found out. However, Palu's generosity had limits. After providing the spacer with the coverall and some credits, she urged them to leave her alone, as she had nothing more to give.
While working at her Wayfar shop, Palu wore a flex-form shirt in beige and gray hues. She also wore a matching pleated skirt and gray dress slippers. A silver colored elegant gemstone necklace adorned her neck. As part of her agreement with Jabba the Hutt, Palu tailored specialized disease-resistant clothing and other high-quality garments for Jabba's elite forces.
Palu Zerk was featured as a non-player character in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts, before its closure on December 15, 2011. She was included as part of the Zicx-bug bomb quest, added to the game on August 12, 2003. During one part of the quest, players were tasked with finding Feinu, rescuing her from four Valarian thugs, and safely escorting her back to Palu in the town of Wayfar. Completing this task earned the player 100 credits and a Treated Protective Coverall. The coverall could then be used for the next portion of the quest, allowing players to acquire bile from the nearby sarlacc without suffering ill-effects. Palu's surname, Zerk, was never mentioned in the game. However, the Star Wars Galaxies: Jump to Lightspeed: Prima Official Game Guide (2004) lists her full name as Palu Zerk. The reference guide also identifies her as a townsperson found on Rori. This detail was absent from the game, as Palu only appeared as part of a quest issued on Tatooine. Although the player could choose not to do the tasks associated with the Zicx-bug bomb quest, this article assumes 100% game completion.