The Panna system resided within the Tion Cluster of the Outer Rim. It was comprised of the planet Panna, along with its satellite, Panna Prime.
This system was made up of seven planets as well as 35 moons; Panna Prime, at the very least, could sustain life. A diverse group of pirates, outlaws, traders, and prospectors primarily populated the system, which was distinguished by its three large gas giants and the vast asteroid fields encircling them.
The pirate lord Xer famously amassed a considerable fleet within this system as he planned to depose the Cronese King Ferece. Many years after that, Luke Skywalker, accompanied by the droids R2-D2 and C-3PO, journeyed to this system in search of the Millennium Falcon shortly following the Battle of Yavin. They crossed paths with the bounty hunter Boba Fett and narrowly avoided capture. By this period, the Galactic Empire had expanded its presence in the system, stationing military forces there.