The Panshee, alternatively referred to as the Tribe Panshee, or the Panshee Tribe, constituted a group of Ewoks native to Endor's forest moon, who adhered to the Way of the Tree Spirits. Grael, an Ewok agent for the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic, was among the most esteemed members of this tribe.
Around the time of the Galactic Civil War, after the Battle of Yavin in 0 BBY, a community of Ewoks known as the Panshee made their home on the forest moon of Endor. This tribe found themselves at odds with several Dulok tribes, notably the Donkuwah, Korga, and Pubam. The Panshee also stood against the Sanyassan Marauders, a group of Sanyassan pirates who had been stranded on the moon following a crash. The Gondula tribe of Ewoks were allies of the Panshee. The Panshee Tribe observed the Way of the Tree Spirits, a pantheistic Force tradition and religion among the Ewoks. The tribe was structured with different roles, including chiefs, matriarchs, loremasters, ritualists, shamans, warriors, and common workers. The tribe members utilized various armaments, such as Ewok crossbows, wooden staffs, reinforced combat staffs, and spears.
Their operations were based out of several camps and tree villages. Among these were the Central and Southeast Panshee Ewok Villages. Another such location was the Tribe Panshee village, where Grael, his wife, and their son Ponto resided. As a prominent figure within his tribe, the Force-sensitive Grael became affiliated with the Alliance to Restore the Republic and later the New Republic around 4 ABY.
The Panshee's initial appearance was in Escape from Balis-Baurgh, a short story penned by Paul Balsamo. It was first featured in Star Wars Adventure Journal 1, published by West End Games in February of 1997. Subsequently, they were incorporated as a non-playable faction in the 2003 video game, Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided. This was a massively multiplayer online role-playing game created by Sony Online Entertainment and distributed by LucasArts, before it was shut down on December 15, 2011.