
Par'tah, a female Ho'Din individual, operated as a smuggler under the employ of Billey. She stood out as one of the few who concurred with Talon Karrde's arguments advocating for a united front at the inaugural meeting of the Smugglers' Alliance, which occurred before the assault led by Lieutenant Reynol Kosk's forces.

Following the raid, Grand Admiral Thrawn sought to create division between Karrde and his newly formed alliances. He did this by initially avoiding any direct action against them, and subsequently by presenting them with Imperial shipping agreements. His aim was to persuade them that the Empire posed no threat to them as long as they maintained neutrality in the conflict between the Empire and the New Republic. Par'tah received an offer for a contract involving the transportation of a substantial quantity of Sublight engines to the Imperial shipyards located at Ord Trasi. Samuel Gillespee somberly remarked that, despite Par'tah's lack of acceptance at that point, her organization consistently operated on a razor-thin margin, suggesting she likely could not afford to decline the offer.

Later on, she was among those whom Mazzic enlisted to analyze Karrde's datacards, as part of his effort to demonstrate that the attack on the Whistler's Whirlpool had been orchestrated by Karrde. However, Niles Ferrier inadvertently revealed that he had bribed Lieutenant Kosk, and that Thrawn was behind the latest attempt to implicate Karrde. She assisted Karrde's crew in subduing Ferrier's Wraith accomplice, and she strongly advocated that Ferrier should not be allowed to evade punishment for his act of betrayal.

Behind the scenes

In the comic adaptation of The Last Command, Par'tah was mistakenly depicted as belonging to a reptilian female species.

