Parco Ein

Parco Ein, previously a Human male Colonel within the ranks of the Imperial Army, transitioned to the role of Imperial governor for the planet Verkuyl amidst the Galactic Civil War.


To pacify the rebellious workers who were refusing to work for the Empire during the Imperial occupation of Verkuyl, Ein issued a public invitation to corporations, soliciting proposals for building a bacta refinement complex. He was known to be a very generous host, which was shown at a reception in the Verkuylian Imperial Governor's Hall hosted for the companies intending to construct the new bacta processing facility. Daven Quarle alerted him to the presence of a New Republic Intelligence team on Verkuyl, and he tasked Quarle with delaying Selby Jarrad using a false decree of mandatory satellite silence. The scheme was foiled, however, after Selby eavesdropped on his discussion with Quarle utilizing an earsculpt listening device. Consequently, Jarrad shot Quarle and summoned a New Republic fleet to Verkuyl, leading to the planet's liberation.

