Passive Operations was a section of the Operations division inside Alliance Intelligence. Counter to what its title might suggest, Passive Operations was far from inactive. This office's personnel consisted of former mercenaries, top-tier [special forces](/article/special_forces/legends] soldiers, and the most skilled operatives selected from both Systems Operations and Coordinate. Passive Operations agents were sent into action when engagement with the opposition was probable and anticipated. Their mission objectives encompassed the freeing of captured Alliance resources, attacks on strongly fortified locations, and the infrequent instance where a direct assassination was sanctioned. Throughout the duration of the Galactic Civil War, Passive Operations launched multiple endeavors to eliminate Darth Vader. The SecuriDexs created by Analysis to describe possible dangers to the Alliance were often written by Passive Operations personnel.
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook
- The Rebel Alliance Sourcebook, Second Edition
- Alliance Intelligence Reports
- Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Core Rulebook