Pax Bonkik

A male Rodian mechanic known as Pax Bonkik and his brother, Trax Bonkik, were forced into slavery under the Podracer Mars Guo. Guo pushed the siblings relentlessly, almost to the point of collapse. Pax developed a friendship with Teemto Pagalies, a racer who despised slavery, especially given that Ann Gella, the object of his affection, was also enslaved. During the Boonta Eve Classic held in 32 BBY, Guo's Podracer was severely damaged by Sebulba, another competitor. While Guo recovered from his injuries, Sebulba orchestrated an auction of Guo's belongings.

Pagalies, who had himself crashed during the race, could only afford to liberate Pax. Trax was subsequently sold to Sebulba. Unwavering in his determination to rescue his brother, Pax worked for Pagalies until he earned enough credits to repay the racer. When Pagalies triumphed in the Aleen Classic, he finally had sufficient funds to free Ann Gella, but at the last moment, he chose to free Trax, finally reuniting the brothers.


Early life and service under Guo

Pax Bonkik, a Rodian male hailing from Rodia, shared a deep connection with his brother, Trax. Their parents, addicted to spice and irresponsible, sold their children into slavery. Pax took it upon himself to protect his brother during these difficult times, and the two moved from owner to owner, gradually acquiring skills that increased their value. They primarily worked as mechanics, eventually finding employment with a minor league Podracer, Mars Guo.

Guo subjected the siblings to grueling work on his Podracer, a Plug-2 Behemoth, and they also had to endure Guo's constant boasting. In a rare moment of tranquility, Pax befriended Teemto Pagalies, another Podracer. Pagalies was a fervent opponent of slavery, particularly because Ann Gella, the woman he loved, was enslaved by another Podracer, Sebulba.

Boonta Eve Classic

Pax and Trax Bonkik served as mechanics for Mars Guo in the lead-up to and during the Boonta Eve Classic of 32 BBY.

In 32 BBY, Guo planned to participate in the Boonta Eve Classic on Tatooine, one of the most significant and prestigious Podraces of all. Shortly before the race, Trax had a disagreement with Guo, who brutally beat the Rodian and threatened to sell him off after the race, separating the siblings.

Pax, seeking to prevent this, contacted Pagalies, who was also competing in the race. He explained the situation and also informed Pagalies that Guo had his sights set on Gella and likely intended to buy her from Sebulba. Pagalies was initially doubtful, but he disliked the idea of the Bonkiks being separated, and even more so the thought of Gella falling into Guo's hands.

During the race, Guo's Podracer was destroyed by Sebulba. While this might have seemed advantageous for the Bonkiks, it proved disastrous. A vengeful Sebulba, having lost the race to Anakin Skywalker, a local boy, arranged for Guo's possessions to be auctioned off while Guo was recovering in the infirmary. Pagalies had also lost his Podracer in the chaotic race and could only afford to purchase Pax at the auction, leaving Trax in the possession of Sebulba.

Service under Pagalies

Despite gaining his freedom, Pax chose to remain with Pagalies, working as his mechanic and traveling the racing circuit while keeping an eye out for Sebulba or Trax. Eventually, Pax managed to earn enough credits to repay Pagalies for his kindness on Tatooine. Pagalies won the Aleen Classic and finally had the opportunity to buy Ann Gella's freedom. However, at the last moment, Pagalies changed his mind and purchased Trax, reuniting the Rodians. The brothers would never be separated again.

Personality and traits

Pax Bonkik shared a strong bond of companionship with his brother, Trax. Their shared experiences in slavery strengthened their connection, and Pax placed a high priority on Trax's well-being. He befriended Teemto Pagalies, seeking his help when he feared that Guo would sell off Trax and purchase Ann Gella. When Sebulba's actions threatened to tear them apart, and Pagalies could only afford to free Pax, the Rodian remained in the Podracer's service, working as a mechanic for Pagalies even though he was not obligated to do so. Pax Bonkik stood at a height of 1.7 meters, with green skin and black eyes.


Pax Bonkik carried a blaster pistol and used repair tools in his capacity as a mechanic. He typically wore a green jumpsuit with a blue vest.

Behind the scenes

Pax Bonkik made his debut in George Lucas' 1999 prequel trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, during the Boonta Eve Podrace sequence. The character was first named in 2005, when user javajawas, through the Hyperspace feature "What's The Story?," provided an entry for Bonkik.

