The 8-page comic entitled "Payback" can be found in Star Wars Tales #18. Andy Diggle wrote it, and Henry Flint provided the illustrations.
Boba Fett accepts an assignment from Drex, who is a crime lord working within the Gallapraxis system. His task involves securing Feleen Bantillian, whether dead or alive, for a payment of 50,000 credits. Drex informs him that Bantillian was responsible for his son's death. Fett locates him at a deserted droid factory located on Vornax, offering him the opportunity to give himself up. Bantillian reveals to Fett that he is actually Drex's son and that Fett was the one who killed his brother. It becomes clear that Drex has manipulated Fett. Fett discharges his weapon at Bantillian, who deflects the shot using an antiquated droideka shield. Bantillian proceeds to seal the roof of their location. Numerous aged droids begin to approach Fett in a stumbling manner, attempting to eliminate him. A war droid shoots him from above, causing damage to his jetpack. Fett successfully destroys the droid. Subsequently, Fett targets a tank containing machine oil, causing Bantillian to be engulfed in flames. The individual leaps into a sizable body of water, belatedly understanding his inability to swim. He requests assistance from his droids; however, they all descend to the bottom. Fett returns to Drex, who is surprised, and Drex reluctantly provides the promised payment. Fett hands Drex Bantillian's severed head, which contains a thermal detonator inside the mouth. As Fett departs, he says quietly, "There's no profit in payback."