
Peko-pekos were avian beings inhabiting the swamps of the planet Naboo.

Biology and appearance

Their feathers were blue, and they possessed a lengthy tail, winged appendages with claws, and a noticeable beak. These beaks served the purpose of breaking nuts and removing the skin from fruit. They were monogamous creatures, breeding for their entire lifespan, and typically birthed two offspring per clutch.


Back in 32 BBY, a duo of peko-pekos soared above the Gungan Sacred Place situated within the marshy base of the Gallo Mountains. This occurred precisely when the army of the Naboo reached out to the Gungans, who were concealed in the sacred location, seeking their assistance in fighting against the Trade Federation. During the time of the Clone Wars, a painting showing Queen Padmé Amidala with a peko-peko was discovered within the Theed Royal Palace.

Behind the scenes

The initial appearance of Peko-pekos was in the 1999 prequel trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Their official recognition within the established canon came about in the "Every Creature in the Star Wars Movies" video, which was uploaded by the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel in 2019.

