The thirteenth episode of the animated micro-series Star Wars Forces of Destiny' second season is titled "Perilous Pursuit". Its release date was May 4, 2018.
During the events of the Battle of Starkiller Base, Rey and Finn find themselves piloting a commandeered Light Infantry Utility Vehicle. Rey inquires whether Finn is certain he doesn't want her to take over the piloting duties. Finn assures her he's fine, provided they aren't being chased. Shortly thereafter, they are pursued by three First Order Light Infantry Utility Vehicles, each carrying First Order snowtroopers. These pursuing vehicles are armed with laser cannons.
Finn pilots the vehicle as Rey returns fire on the Snowtroopers. Rey suggests that Finn drive towards the forest, a suggestion he follows. As they enter the wooded area, she proposes they switch positions. They narrowly avoid colliding with a fallen tree trunk. One of the First Order snowspeeders trails them, but Finn manages to dislodge a pile of snow onto it, causing it to crash. The thick snow cushions the impact, allowing the two Snowtroopers to survive. The remaining snowspeeders continue their pursuit of Finn and Rey through a trench. Finn successfully targets and damages one of the repulsor engines of the second snowspeeder, resulting in another crash. Finn expresses his excitement, and Rey observes that he enjoys shooting.
Emerging from the forest, Finn and Rey approach a cliff overlooking a deep gorge. Finn's blaster is dislodged from his hand by enemy fire. Rey reassures him that they are close to their destination. Finn expresses doubt about their ability to cross the gorge, but Rey urges him to hold on. Rey increases the snowspeeder's speed, temporarily blinding the pursuing Snowtroopers. Finn and Rey successfully clear the gorge, while the Snowtroopers' speeder plummets into the abyss. Following the chase, Finn concedes to let Rey pilot, and Rey agrees to let Finn handle the shooting, before they drive off.
- This episode draws inspiration from a scene that was cut from Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. The episode's depiction of Rey and Finn's escape differs significantly from the version presented in the film's novelization. In the episode, Rey immediately engages their pursuers and suggests switching places, whereas in the novelization, Rey remains the pilot throughout, and it is Finn who suggests the switch, solely to improve his firing angle. Furthermore, the episode features Finn and Rey being pursued by (and successfully defeating or destroying) three speeders, while also allowing them time to discuss their evolving strategies. In contrast, the novelization depicts them being chased by only one speeder, forcing them to prioritize their attention on the charging superweapon rather than strategic discussions.