Pete Vilmur holds the position of senior writer and heads up fan relations at Lucasfilm Ltd.. In addition to this, he is the editor of Bantha Tracks, which is a department within Star Wars Insider magazine that concentrates on Star Wars enthusiasts. Vilmur took over the editor role from Mary Franklin, who departed Lucasfilm in 2015. He also serves as a board member for Rancho Obi-Wan, which is Stephen J. Sansweet's project aimed at preserving Star Wars cultural heritage.
- " A Fistful of Credits: The Star Wars Insider Collector's Spending Spree Challenge " was featured in Star Wars Insider 71 (November 2003 )
- Vader: The Ultimate Guide (July 2005 ) included "Villain with a Thousand Faces: The History of Darth Vader Collectibles."
- " Posters of Episode IV: A New Hope " appeared in Star Wars Insider 84 (September 2005)
- He authored The Star Wars Poster Book (October 2005)
- Star Wars Insider 85 (November 2005) presented " Posters of Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back "
- " Posters of Episode IV: A New Hope " was published in Star Wars: The Official Magazine 61 (December 2005)
- " Posters of Episode VI: Return of the Jedi " was featured in Star Wars Insider 86 (February 2006 )
- An online supplement to Star Wars Insider 89 (August 2006) included "Over My Dead Body— Solo's Cover Story."
- " AudioCast : Star Wars Goes to School" was an online supplement to Star Wars Insider 90 (September 2006)
- "Inside the DVD Menus" was published in Star Wars: The Official Magazine 66 (October 2006)
- He co-authored The Star Wars Vault with Stephen J. Sansweet (October 2007)
- Star Wars: The Complete Vader , was written with Ryder Windham on October 27 , 2009
- " Blaster " was featured in Star Wars Insider 110
- Bantha Tracks was mentioned in Star Wars Insider 157
- Jedi at 40 | Fashion Illustrator Marilee Heyer on Her Stunning Leia Concepts on (backup link)
- Star Wars Year in Review 2024 on (backup link)