Star Wars Insider Issue 90, marking the 68th installment of the Star Wars Insider series, was distributed in October of 2006.
- "The Models of Revenge of the Sith, Part 1" (authored by Frank Parisi): This is the first segment in a trilogy where Brian Gernano, who led ILM's Model Shop during the creation of Episodes II and III, provides a detailed account of how the environments in Revenge of the Sith were realized. In this particular issue, Gernano elucidates the construction of Kashyyyk with the help of his team.
- " Aliens of Episode III " (penned by Daniel Wallace): Insider engages in conversation with various concept artists and sculptors, exploring their creative processes in designing the Utapauns, Mustafarians, and Polis Massans. This includes concept artwork, behind-the-scenes visuals, and in-universe background information for each species.
- " Spaceballs: The Article! " (written by David Maddox and Rich Handley, with illustrations by Randy Martinez): As 2006 signified the 19th anniversary of Spaceballs: The Movie (yes, that spelling is intentional), Insider reconnects with several actors from the film to gather their memories of working on what is considered the most eccentric Star Wars "fan film."
- " Cool Trooper: The Star Wars Art of Nathan Cabrera " (by Bonnie Burton): Nathan Cabrera's life-sized sculptures, including a Tusken Raider and a Stormtrooper Chick, offer a fresh perspective on iconic Star Wars characters.
- "Letter from the Editor" (by Frank Parisi)
- " Comlink "
- " Skywalking ": "Steve Sansweet Discusses the Saga's Future at Star Wars Spectacular" "Introducing Dustin Roberts: A True Gentleman, Scholar, and the New President of the Star Wars Fan Club" "Pitching Felux: A Look at the 2006 Star Wars Fan Film Awards" (by David Maddox) "The 2006 Artoos Awards Ceremony: A Recap" (by Mark Newbold) "Refresher Reading": "20 Little-Known Facts About the Tantive IV" (by Pablo Hidalgo) "Star Wars International: The Force is Strong in Spain" (by Gus Lopez)
- " Jedi Library ": "Sculpting History: A Behind-the-Scenes Look" (by Daniel Wallace) "Caught in the Tempest: A Review" (by Jason Fry)
- " Drawn by the Force " — "The Dark Times Begin" (by Daniel Wallace)
- " Jabba's Collection " — "Why Bad Guys Wear Red"
- " Technical Readout : Luke's Landspeeder" (by Chris Trevas)
- " Ask the Master " — "For the Record: There Will Be No Episodes VII Through IX!" (by Pablo Hidalgo)
- " Scouting the Galaxy " — "Searching the Galaxy, One Toy at a Time" (by Steve Sansweet)
- " Best of Hyperspace " — "Star Wars Goes to School: An Educational Perspective"
- Bantha Tracks Vol. 21
- Accessing Star Wars Insider #90 on (note that the content is outdated; backup link provided)
- Star Wars Insider #90 Online Supplement on Hyperspace (please be aware that the content is no longer current, and a backup link is unavailable)
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