Pizilis was a planet of the gas giant variety, according to legends. This planet resided in the Pizilis system, which itself was situated within the Terr'skiar sector. The Terr'skiar sector formed a segment of the Kashyyyk Region, found within the Slice area of the Mid Rim. The Dauntless Run hyperlane provided a connection between this planet and Rorgam, and the hyperspace route called the Nightroad linked Pizilis with Mytaranor and Terr'skiar.
The gas giant, exhibiting a sapphire-blue hue, possessed a number of moons. Each of these moons enjoyed temperate climates. Numerous small settlements dotted these moons, receiving sustenance from corporations originating from Lantillies, Randon, and Rorgam.
The reference book The Essential Atlas, released in 2009 and authored by Jason Fry together with Daniel Wallace, contained the initial mention of Pizilis, locating it within grid square P-10.