
PL-37 functioned as a protocol droid under the command of Lord Toat, who was affiliated with the Trade Federation. Its operational existence ended when Sol Sixxa caused the sinking of the vessel named Syren. Subsequently, Nym retrieved the droid's head, and Jinkins successfully extracted crucial data from the droid's central processing unit regarding the cloaking device that Sixxa had absconded with.



PL-37's purpose was to assist Lord Toat aboard the Syren, a luxurious Trade Federation liner. Toat's life was abruptly ended in front of the droid during an assault by renegade pirates headed by Sol Sixxa. After the theft of a prototype Cloaking device from the liner by Sol Sixxa, the ship was deliberately sunk. Every Droid on board met their end, from the Battle Droids to PL-37, whose head was severed and came to rest on a bed inside the doomed vessel.

Salvage Run

The droid's severed head remained in its final location for over a month until Nym recovered it. Nym had been contracted by Loreli Ro to locate and neutralize Sol Sixxa's activities. While investigating the extent of the damage to the Syren, he discovered PL-37's remains. Following an encounter with a Relix, he transported the droid's head to his ship, the Sunrunner, for Jinkins to analyze. Despite the damaged state of the droid's brain casing, the Bith technician managed to restore the Protocol Droid's speech functions. The droid began to describe a prototype technology, but its systems failed before it could provide further details.

Unknown to the party, the droid's reactivation was detected by Trade Federation forces under the command of Harro Ruuk. Ruuk had been present on the Syren when Sixxa destroyed it and was determined to retrieve the cloaking device for his own purposes. He successfully tracked the Sunrunner, intending to attack both forces and then seize the ships while they were weakened. The confrontation culminated in Nym destroying both vessels by ramming the Sunrunner into the Revenant. Nym would later meet Sixxa again three weeks later to create an alliance on the Invisible Island, which held many Stygium crystals, while holding PL-37's head.


PL-37 exhibited the typical traits associated with Protocol Droids, most notably a fear of violence. It also demonstrated apprehension towards pirates.

When Nym recovered it and Jinkins reactivated it, it initially resisted cooperating with their inquiries.

