
The Syren, a leisure ship owned by the Trade Federation, served as Lord Toat's main transport on Maramere. Sol Sixxa ultimately sank the ship after assassinating Toat and absconding with an experimental cloaking device that was onboard.


Lord Toat was hosting a luxurious voyage across the oceans of Maramere aboard the Syren. During the voyage, Toat spoke with Harro Ruuk regarding the prototype cloaking device provided by Raith Sienar, as well as the planet's natural resources and its indigenous inhabitants, the Mere. Without warning, a pirate from the Mere, lead by Sol Sixxa, fatally shot Toat. The ship's B1-series battle droids were quickly eliminated. Sixxa then stole the prototype, forced the entire crew, including Ruuk, into the water, and planted Thermal charges to deliberately sink the vessel.

The wreckage of the ship came to rest on the seabed. Nym, who had been contracted by Loreli Ro to apprehend Sixxa, swam down to the submerged remains. While examining the destruction to determine Sixxa's weaponry, Nym located the head of PL-37. He salvaged it, hoping to extract information about Sixxa.

