Port was a Vorzydiak male, according to legends, and held the position of Chairman for Vorzyd IV in 39 BBY. Bryn was his wife, and he was the father of Grath.
In that same year, the factories on Vorzyd IV were attacked. Chairman Port placed the blame on the inhabitants of Vorzyd V, a rival planet. Seeking assistance, he reported the issue to the Jedi Council, resulting in Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi being dispatched to resolve the situation. The Jedi ultimately uncovered that the Freelies were responsible, not Vorzyd V. These events nearly led to war between Vorzyd IV and Vorzyd V; however, Port eventually met with Felana, the leader of Vorzyd V, to resolve the misunderstanding. In an explosion caused by the Freelies, he sustained injuries, but they were not fatal.