Portia, a colonist of Ruusan, was a female Human with dark skin.
She was a settler residing on Ruusan in 5 ABY, known for her exceptional marksmanship. Following the Battle of Fort Nowhere, when the Imperial Vengeance Battle Group launched an invasion of the planet, she became part of the survivor group led by Grif Grawley.
On one particular night, she was among the six settlers accompanying Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors as they sought to establish contact with the indigenous Bouncers. That evening, they found themselves in a confrontation with patrol 341, who were attacking the vulnerable creatures for amusement. A skimmer accompanied by a speeder bike flanked them and began firing at the rocks; most of the group, including Katarn, engaged the troopers, while Portia remained to protect Ors.
Ors devised a strategy that relied on Portia's shooting skills: Ors ascended a rock and ignited a flare to draw the bike's attention and force it to halt for target acquisition, while Portia concealed herself and prepared to snipe. Portia needed to time her shot perfectly to ensure accuracy and, when the moment arrived, she fired. After seven blaster bolts, the biker was defeated.
Portia was a teenager by the time 5 ABY arrived. Her physical features included dark skin and perceptive eyes.
Those older than her considered her to be one of their best shooters, and she always made sure her weapon was in top condition.