Preeban was a technician of the Weequay male variety, and he performed his duties within the Worker's District located on Canto Bight.
During 3 ABY, a year, Kay Vess, who was a smuggler, made a visit to Preeban's place of work and requested that he repair her broken data spike. Preeban informed her that they needed to avoid being seen together, because he was afraid the Sixth Kin would find out he had given Vess the location of their vault situated in Club Tarsus, a location she intended to infiltrate. He inquired as to why the young smuggler was accelerating her plans to leave the planet and said there was too much attention on her. After she explained her need to escape the planet, he suggested the planet may have been finished with her and challenged her idea that things were better for her in the larger galaxy. Ultimately, he consented to fixing the spike in return for credits. After the repair was complete, he told Vess that she could show her gratitude by never coming back.