
The Priapulins hailed from Pria, a planet located within the Core Worlds, and were a sapient species.

Biological Traits and Physical Description

Sentient gastropods, the Priapulin species bore a resemblance to sizable worms, characterized by five prominent, bulbous notochords positioned around their cylindrical bodies. When stretched out fully, they reached lengths of four meters, though they generally favored an erect, S-shaped posture. They possessed three pairs of eyes, and their ventral surfaces were covered with dense bristles. The spiny projections along their bodies' edges were adapted for various functions, featuring hooked, thorny, or spatulate shapes. These appendages, when used together, served as a means of locomotion or functioned as hands and fingers for manipulating tools or handling weaponry.

Social Structure and Cultural Norms

A group of Priapulins.

Originating from the aquatic world of Pria, the Priapulins developed a civilization committed to peaceful ideals, renowned for having largely avoided conflicts for numerous centuries. Despite their position as apex predators on Pria, they successfully fostered a symbiotic relationship with other sentient inhabitants of the planet, notably the Crast species. The Crast would offer themselves as sustenance for the Priapulins, viewing it as a great honor to be chosen for consumption, in return for the Priapulins nurturing and raising their young.

Celebrated for their keen sense of humor, Priapulins observed a stringent code of honor and loyalty. While their native tongue was Priap, Priapulins communicated in Basic with a soft, hushed tone. Priapulins measured distances in units called "salt pans" (with nine of these units equaling eleven kilometers) and measured time using "tidal hours" (where one unit was equivalent to ten hours).

Historical Overview

Residing on a planet situated within the territory controlled by the Galactic Republic from its inception, the Priapulins seemed to have maintained a passive stance in shaping galactic events. Historical records do not indicate that their planet was the site of any battles during the recurring crises that threatened the Republic throughout the ages.

Priapulins Throughout the Galaxy

While not commonly encountered beyond their home planet, some Priapulins pursued careers as smugglers and general laborers. One such Priapulin was Charza Kwinn, a pilot frequently hired by the Jedi Order to transport Jedi Knights from the Coruscant Jedi Temple to various planet across the Galactic Republic on assignments. During the initial stages of the Separatist Crisis, Kwinn provided transport for Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker to Zonama Sekot during their search for the missing Jedi Vergere.

It was known that Force-sensitive Priapulins existed. At least one served within the Jedi Order well before the New Sith Wars. Jedi Master Skwelli was highly skilled in lightsaber combat, known for simultaneously wielding six lightsabers, his feats immortalized in ancient Jedi holocrons.

Behind the Curtains

Priapulida are a group of worms that exist in the real world.

