The comic titled "Problem Solvers" originally appeared in Star Wars Tales 20. Subsequently, it was included in Star Wars Tales Volume 6 and Star Wars Legends Epic Collection: The New Republic Vol. 1.
Set several months following the Battle of Endor, the story unfolds on an unnamed ecumenopolis within the territory of the New Republic. Leia Organa reminds Han Solo about how crucial a new information technology team is to the nascent government, given the widespread malfunctions in important computer systems, and also reminds him that it was his job to find one. He then reveals to her that instead, he chose to attend a card game on Bespin that he felt was too important to miss, and that he had delegated the responsibility to C-3PO.
A boisterous group of Ewoks, whom Organa considers to be the most primitive intelligent beings in the New Republic, suddenly burst into the computer room where the two Rebel heroes are standing. Organa becomes alarmed as these new 'technicians' begin destroying the computers using their weapons and anti-AT-ST tactics, also knocking C-3PO to the ground in the process. An enraged Organa orders Solo to remove them from the room and decides that finding a Human Resources director to hire qualified technicians should be their top priority. She then inquires to Solo about who their droid found to fill that role. He sheepishly explains that Organa had previously stated that their new personnel needed to be 'strong and uncompromising - someone everyone would respect'. As the new HR director – a rancor, a creature certainly strong and capable of commanding respect, but also ferocious and lacking full sentience – enters the room behind her, Organa voices her discomfort.