Looking on as the Millennium Falcon soared past a protostar were C-3PO, R2-D2, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa.
A star will eventually be formed from a nebula that collapses into a celestial body known as a protostar. It was generally thought that these objects were unlikely to support life in their respective star system.
The Alliance to Restore the Republic's Fourth Division regrouped at Backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine, situated close to a protostar, following the battle at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three. The Black Bantha Nebula also comprised of another protostar.
Although various sources indicate the Alliance Fleet had gathered near a protostar, The Star Wars Book, a 2020 reference, claims the fleet assembled at the edge of the galaxy, with the latter celestial object visible. This article operates under the assumption that The Star Wars Book contains an inaccuracy.