Qektoth Confederation biochemical agent

The Qektoth Confederation's biochemical weapon came into existence when the Qektoth Confederation created it in 8 ABY. It arose from the combination of a Confederation research initiative and a piece of unidentified technology discovered at the border of the Kathol Rift.

While the method of application for the agent remains a mystery, it created two separate results. Initially, fissures would materialize on the walls, floors, and ceilings of the targeted vessel or chamber. A biochemical energy surge then engulfed the target, inducing widespread failures in both computer and electrical systems. Furthermore, anyone exposed to the biochemical field became contaminated with the agent, leading to severe migraines and complete hallucinations. Although the timeframe seemed to fluctuate, those infected could succumb to the symptoms within forty-two hours of exposure. Its highly contagious nature allowed it to spread from person to person, even with minimal contact.

A gray-green substance provided protection against the biochemical field. Following infection by the agent after liberating Imperial officers from an assault shuttle, the crew of the FarStar attacked a Confederation site to retrieve information about the agent. Utilizing this data, and the assistance of the medically sophisticated Uukaablians, a remedy for the agent was formulated.

