Qiina was a Jedi Master of the Human species (specifically, a female), who gave her allegiance to both the Jedi Order and the Galactic Republic in the era that followed the Ruusan Reformation.
Qiina, a Human who was Force-sensitive, underwent training by the Jedi Order to master the Force. She achieved the rank of Jedi Master within the decade succeeding the Ruusan Reformations, a period of significant change for both the Galactic Senate and the Jedi Order. A decade had passed since the conclusion of the New Sith Wars, and Master Qiina could be found at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant, often spending extended periods studying within the Temple Archives, which were overseen by Chief Librarian Barra-Rona-Ban. Her Jedi path was that of a Consular, and Master Qiina was a well-versed Lore Keeper with a specialization as a librarian.
On one particular day within the Archives, Master Qiina unknowingly found herself seated just a few meters from Darth Zannah, one of only two remaining Dark Lords of the Sith. The Sith Lord, disguised as Jedi Knight Nalia Adollu, was using a nearby terminal to research methods for eliminating the dangerous orbalisks that were afflicting her master, Darth Bane. Qiina's annoyance grew when Zannah and her cousin Darovit, who were attempting to locate the hyperspace route to the planet Tython, created excessive noise due to their urgency to depart before Darovit could be questioned about his knowledge of Zannah and her master.
Shortly after the cousins' departure, Master Qiina, responding to a request from Master Valenthyne Farfalla, identified the terminal used by the pair. Upon discovering their destination, Farfalla assembled a team of Jedi to pursue them to Tython. Tragically, he and his group were ultimately killed by the Sith Lords, Bane and Zannah.