The Qiraash were a sentient species of near-human descent, characterized by their expansive craniums and pink complexion. A Qiraash named Leesub Sirln was seen at Chalmun's Spaceport Cantina not long before the Battle of Yavin took place.

The Qiraash made their debut appearance in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Pam Rose portrayed the first Qiraash seen, who was Leesub Sirlin. In the production notes for Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, she was initially referred to as "Weird Girl," and her scenes were shot in London as a background character for the cantina sequence. In Chalmun's Cantina, she appears briefly behind Kenobi and Skywalker in the movie. Although she is seen talking to Hrchek Kal Fas at the bar in an earlier version of the cantina scene, and a production photograph shows her in front of the Millennium Falcon, these moments were omitted from the final cut.