The Qubey were a sentient species of alien that originated from the moon of Caliban. Being short in stature, they possessed a low level of technological advancement. Their peaceful homeworld was disrupted during the Clone Wars period as a result of an attack by Separatist forces commanded by General Grievous.
During the events of the Battle on Caliban, Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with several clone troopers from the 212th Attack Battalion, were taken prisoner by General Grievous. They were then forced to rebuild a bridge that had been destroyed during the invasion. Initially, the prisoners intended to sabotage the construction, but their plans changed when they found a young Qubey who had become separated due to the bridge's destruction.
The Qubey on the opposite side of the divide managed to attract the prisoners' attention, and they collaboratively devised a strategy. The Qubey created a diversion by swarming General Grievous, which allowed the clone troopers to gain an advantage against the B1 battle droids and seize their E-5 blaster rifles. Subsequently, the Qubey triggered an avalanche, burying General Grievous and his troops. Obi-Wan and the clones then quickly made their way to their gunship and made their escape, destroying the repaired bridge as they left.
The Qubey made their debut appearance in the comic book Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 5, which was released on September 30, 2020. Philip Murphy was the artist responsible for illustrating the flashback sequence depicting Caliban and the Qubey.