
Caliban, a moon situated in the Outer Rim region, was characterized by its frigid climate. The landscape of this homeworld for the Qubey species was composed of frozen, snow-laden tundra, towering mountains, and deep ravines. The year 22 BBY saw Caliban become a battleground during the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the battle, General Grievous of the Separatists managed to capture Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi along with his clone troopers, seizing the Jedi's lightsaber in the process.

To meet the demands of the Separatists, the forces led by the Jedi began the reconstruction of a lunar ice bridge that Grievous had previously destroyed when he invaded the moon. With assistance from the Qubey, however, Kenobi was able to retrieve his lightsaber from the cyborg. Following the completion of the bridge, Kenobi engaged Grievous in a lightsaber duel and subsequently used the Force to trigger an avalanche, burying the Separatist general. As Kenobi and his troopers departed the moon aboard a gunship, he ordered the destruction of the lunar ice bridge to prevent its utilization by their adversaries.


Located in the Outer Rim Territories, Caliban was a moon known for its frigid temperatures. Its surface was characterized by expansive frozen tundra, gray stone mountains capped with ice and snow, and profound ravines. From Caliban, a sun was visible, casting an orange hue upon the clouds in the moon's sky. The atmosphere was classified as Type I, making it breathable for a variety of species.


A Frigid Confrontation

Grievous captured Obi-Wan Kenobi and his clone troopers on Caliban.

During the Clone Wars in 22 BBY, a battle unfolded on Caliban between the forces of the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the invasion of the moon, Separatist General Grievous obliterated the lunar ice bridge, a structure that connected different areas of the moon, leaving one Qubey native separated from its group. Eventually, Grievous captured Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Republic and a number of his clone troopers, confiscating the Jedi's lightsaber and surrounding them with B1-series battle droids. Grievous then commanded Kenobi and the troopers to rebuild the lunar ice bridge that had been destroyed by the Separatist forces. When Grievous threatened them with death for non-compliance, the Jedi responded that forcing prisoners to perform labor was a violation of the Galactic Accords, a set of galactic rules governing conduct in conflicts. Grievous, however, dismissed this by striking Kenobi and hurling insults.

Kenobi and his troopers begin constructing the lunar bridge at Grievous's demand.

Using provided materials and guided by a holographic representation of the desired structure, the Jedi and his troopers started rebuilding the lunar ice bridge across a deep ravine. While working, the captured soldiers came up with a scheme to sabotage the bridge, trapping Grievous and his forces on one side after they crossed it. Shortly after, Kenobi discovered a Qubey native separated from its family and unable to rejoin them. Kenobi assured the Qubey that they would rebuild the bridge to an improved state, and the native hugged him. The Qubeys on the other side of the ravine left a message in the snow for Kenobi, indicating they would assist in attacking Grievous once the bridge was complete.


The Qubey attacked Grievous and stole Kenobi's lightsaber from the cyborg.

Following the coordination of a plan with the Qubey to undermine the Separatists, the Jedi and his troopers continued their work on the lunar ice bridge. Grievous eventually grew impatient with their slow progress and confronted Kenobi. However, the Qubey then surrounded the Separatist general, clinging to him and creating a distraction that allowed them to steal Kenobi's lightsaber from the cyborg. Grievous, disgusted, broke free from the natives and left the area in disdain. Kenobi then thanked the Qubey group for retrieving his weapon.

Upon the bridge's completion, Grievous boasted about how it would facilitate the Separatist conquest of the moon. After the Separatist general revealed his intention to abandon Kenobi and his troopers to die in Caliban's frozen tundra, the Jedi signaled his Qubey allies to initiate their attack. As the Separatists scrambled to defend themselves and gather reinforcements, Kenobi engaged Grievous in a lightsaber duel. Amid the chaos, the clone troopers seized E-5 blaster rifles from Grievous' battle droids and made their way to a nearby gunship to escape the moon.

As they departed Caliban, Kenobi and his forces destroyed the moon's lunar ice bridge.

Meanwhile, Kenobi continued his dueling with Grievous, maneuvering the cyborg towards the base of a mountain. The Jedi then used the Force to trigger an avalanche that buried Grievous and his forces. Although Clone Commander Cody suggested taking the cyborg into custody for the Republic, Kenobi chose to leave the moon before Separatist reinforcements arrived. As they departed in their gunship, the Jedi made sure their Qubey allies were safely gathered on one side of the ravine before destroying the lunar ice bridge to prevent its use by the Separatists. Later that year, Cody recounted Kenobi's actions on Caliban to his colleagues, Clone Captain Rex and Clone Commander Wolffe, during a mission to the planet Hisseen.


Caliban was inhabited by the Qubey, a race of small sentients who communicated in an alien language.


During the Clone Wars, a lunar ice bridge crossed a ravine on Caliban, serving as the only means of traversing the moon. Grievous destroyed the bridge, it was briefly rebuilt by Kenobi and his forces, and then destroyed again upon the Republic forces' departure from Caliban.

Behind the Scenes

Prior to its release, Philip Murphy shared a work-in-progess panel of the Caliban flashback featured in Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 5.

Caliban made its debut in flashbacks featured in the fifth issue of the Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales comic-book series. Michael Moreci wrote the issue, and IDW Publishing released it on September 30, 2020. Philip Murphy illustrated the Caliban flashback. The comic inconsistently refers to Caliban as both a moon and a planet. This article assumes it is a moon, based on its initial designation as an Outer Rim moon and the presence of a lunar ice bridge.

Murphy first announced his involvement in the project on January 23, 2020, expressing his enthusiasm for drawing for the Star Wars franchise again, particularly during the Clone Wars era. Before the issue's release, on February 22 and March 6 of the same year, the artist shared two unfinished, colorless panels from the comic—set on Caliban—on Instagram. Murphy expressed pride in designing Caliban and its native Qubey for the comic, sharing uncolored pages featuring the planet on his portfolio website and Instagram.

