Quesoth Common Speak represented one of the two languages utilized by the Quesoth species. These beings were the natives of the planet Quethold. The alternative language was Quesoth Soldier Speak, which employed a wholly distinct lexicon compared to Common Speak. During 8 ABY, Quesoth individuals communicated using this tongue as they accompanied their queen, specifically the Queen of the Red, to the Dwelling of Guests. This structure was situated within Quethold's Red City. Grand Admiral Thrawn, a Chiss, along with Senior Captain Voss Parck, a Human, both commanders within the Empire of the Hand, possessed comprehension of Common Speak.
The novella Crisis of Faith, penned by Timothy Zahn, featured Quesoth Common Speak. It was released in 2011 as a component of the 20th Anniversary Edition of the 1991 novel titled Heir to the Empire.