
Leia Organa, ensnared within quickclay

On Mimban, also known as Circarpous V, a treacherous, greenish-gray soil called Quickclay posed a significant danger. Its unstable nature meant that it readily yielded to pressure, causing objects or individuals to be drawn in and trapped, functioning similarly to quicksand. Its consistency was tougher than mud or sand, bearing greater resemblance to clay.

Gardulla the Hutt had quickclay, originally from Circarpous V, brought to her Tatooine palace and incorporated into her pleasure garden, amidst a collection of exotic (and often predatory) plants and animals. During an escape from pursuing trackers within this garden, young Anakin Skywalker inadvertently stepped into a quickclay deposit, sinking his arm up to the elbow in the viscous, greenish substance, but ultimately managing to free himself. Gondry, a clumsy, giant Abyssin cyclops, experienced a more severe predicament, with his large, ungainly form sinking up to his armpits before Anakin provided a tree branch to assist in extricating the dim-witted creature from what could have been its demise.

Following a crash landing on Circarpous V, Princess Leia Organa found herself stuck in quickclay, but she was soon rescued by Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, and C-3PO.

