Quite A Story To Tell

title: Quite A Story To Tell

"Quite A Story To Tell" is a brief narrative crafted by Caitlin Sullivan Kelly. It first appeared on the Star Wars: The Old Republic developer blog on April 13, 2021, and it functions as an introduction to the Flashpoint entitled Secrets of the Enclave.

Official Summary

Aryn Leneer would only seek assistance from the Jedi for one reason--and that very reason has just arrived at her home.

Canon Notes

The character of Gnost-Dural initially appeared within the short story. However, he was later taken out and substituted with Sal-Deron. Caitlin Sullivan Kelly, the author, clarified on the SWTOR Forums that the intention was never to suggest some player choices hold more canonical weight than others. This statement came after concerns were raised about Gnost-Dural's potential death at the hands of Imperial players during the Jedi Under Siege narrative arc.

