
Qyp, a male Snee, accompanied Bobbajo on his journeys across Jakku as a traveling storyteller. One notable event occurred when they, along with the villagers, were held captive by Zygerrian enslavers within a structure on Reestkii. To uplift the spirits of those imprisoned, Bobbajo narrated a captivating tale: Qyp, together with his fellow animal companions, was responsible for the downfall of the Galactic Empire's formidable Death Star. According to the story, Qyp bravely confronted an Imperial astromech droid and subsequently deactivated the battle station's powerful tractor beam. Furthermore, the narrative continued, he saved Mideyean, one of Bobbajo's other creatures, from a lurking dianoga, and skillfully evaded a pursuing probe droid through rapid movements.

