The R-4 recon droid represented a reconnaissance droid model originating from Arakyd Industries. Predominantly, it saw deployment during both the Clone Wars era and the subsequent Galactic Civil War, finding use among Rebel Marksmen as well as scout troopers.
Arakyd Industries's R-4 recon droids incorporated a repulsorlift system for movement and were armed with a blaster. Furthermore, these units possessed an integrated orbital strike beacon that could be activated remotely by its operator. This beacon had the capacity to summon a limited orbital strike from allied starships situated in orbit. While the device needed a short period to initialize, the R-4 retained complete mobility even after activation, enabling it to avoid incoming blaster fire from adversaries during the activation phase.
The R-4 recon droid shared an identical design with the R-1 recon droid, and also the Mark IV recon droid; these reconnaissance droids were also products of Arakyd Industries during the Clone Wars. The earlier R-1's design bore similarities to that of a DRK-1 Dark Eye probe droid, which was a Sith-originated design.
Throughout the Galactic Civil War, the R-4 recon droid served the purpose of battlefield reconnaissance and acting as a spotter for orbital strikes. Both the Galactic Empire, with its scout troopers, and the Rebel Alliance's Marksmen employed the R-4 across various battlefronts.
Within the 2004 video game Star Wars: Battlefront, the sniper class character is equipped with a remotely controlled recon droid, capable of blaster fire and the initiation of an orbital strike at its current location.
Despite the functional and aesthetic similarities between the recon droids of each faction, they are categorized as distinct models according to Star Wars Battlefront: Prima Official Game Guide. The clone sharpshooter utilizes the Arakyd R-1 recon droid, and the assassin droid employs the Arakyd Mark IV recon droid, while the scout trooper and Rebel marksman are equipped with the Arakyd R-4 recon droid. The recon droid is featured again in the sequel, Star Wars: Battlefront II (2005), as part of the clone commander, MagnaGuard, and Imperial officer's equipment; however, Star Wars Battlefront II: Prima Official Game Guide identifies all of them as the Arakyd Mark IV recon droid.