The R9-series astromech droid represented the newest addition to Industrial Automaton's well-known family of R-series astromech droids, marking it as the first of its kind to be manufactured during the era of the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances's governance.
The R9-series from Industrial Automaton shared similarities with earlier R-series models; however, the R9 droids gained a reputation for autonomously improving their self-preservation protocols, even if it required withholding information from those who owned them.
During the time of the New Jedi Order, pilots utilized R9-series astromechs as both navigators and mechanical support while flying their StealthX starfighters. When Jedi Master Luke Skywalker embarked on his mission into the Gorog nest, he was supported by an R9 unit known as Arnie—taking the place of the often unreliable R2-D2. Additionally, Mara Jade Skywalker piloted her craft alongside an R9 astro-droid that she called "Nine."
Jaina Solo piloted a Jedi StealthX with an R9 unit, known as Sneaker, while she was gathering intelligence on the clandestine Corellian fleet during the Second Galactic Civil War. Subsequently, a few years after the conclusion of the war, she flew with another R9 unit named Rowdy.