Radaf Netbers served as a captain within the armed forces commanded by the Warlord known as Zsinj.
Originating from Broest, Netbers was a Human male of considerable stature, standing at a minimum of two meters with a powerfully built frame. Despite possessing perfect teeth and displaying intelligence in his eyes, observers noted a certain plainness in his appearance.
His expertise lay primarily in unarmed combat scenarios, though he also demonstrated competence in intelligence gathering. Shortly before Zsinj's assault on Kuat Drive Yards, he received instructions to assess the fighting capabilities of Wraith Squadron pilot Shalla Nelprin, who was posing as a Hawk-bat pirate to gain access to the Razor's Kiss boarding party. During this evaluation, Shalla inflicted a broken nose upon him—an injury he had seemingly endured on several occasions.
Subsequently, Zsinj permitted Edda Gast to utilize Netbers as an advisor during her scheme to ensnare Wraith Squadron within the Binring Biomedical Product complex situated on Saffalore. While the trap seemed to be progressing favorably, Shalla Nelprin discerned that Netbers had identified her true identity, prompting her to lead the Wraiths in a surprise direct attack against Netbers and his team. This time, he gained the upper hand, targeting Shalla's existing wounds—she had recently fled from an incinerator.
As he attempted to retrieve a blaster to continue his struggle against the Wraiths, Hohass Ekwesh repeatedly slammed Netbers against the wall. Netbers' demise resulted from a fractured neck, allowing the Wraiths to abscond from the facility with Doctor Gast in their custody.