Ranif Parlan held the rank of captain within the Imperial Navy, and was a male individual.
Captain Ranif Parlan's service as the commanding officer of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer known as the Relentless involved patrolling the Outer Rim as late as the year 0 BBY.
Shortly following the Rebel victory which transpired at Yavin, Parlan successfully apprehended the pirate known as Quist and subsequently gave the order for his execution. Quist attempted to negotiate for his continued existence by offering information regarding Adar Tallon, a tactician and hero of the Galactic Republic who had long been presumed deceased. The captured pirate revealed his involvement in assisting Tallon to fabricate his own death in order to evade the clutches of the Galactic Empire.
After receiving this intelligence, Parlan communicated it to Darth Vader, who then instructed Parlan to ensure Tallon's capture, alive. Lacking substantial resources to dedicate to this mission, Parlan established an Imperial bounty for Tallon, identified as designation 82,471. This bounty was subsequently taken up by Jodo Kast and his associates, specifically Zardra and Puggles Trodd, in addition to the droid bounty hunter designated IG-72. Furthermore, Parlan directed Quist to secretly infiltrate Tallon's residence, among his allies, intending to maintain a strategic advantage when Kast eventually arrived.
Without Parlan's knowledge, one of his officers, specifically Ensign Dana, was secretly an agent working for the Alliance. Dana abandoned her post while the Relentless was docked at Kwenn Space Station with the purpose of conveying her discovered information to the Alliance. Although Jodo Kast succeeded in eliminating Dana, an Alliance squad successfully recovered the information from her data storage pad.
This Rebel team demonstrated superior cunning and skills compared to both Kast's team and IG-72, allowing them to successfully escape from Tatooine while also extracting Adar Tallon, who subsequently aligned himself with the Rebel Alliance. Parlan was held accountable for the failure of this operation and the resulting disaster. In an attempt to offer an apology to Vader, the Sith Lord instead executed Parlan by employing the power of the Force.
Captain Westen succeeded Parlan, assuming the role of commanding officer of the Relentless.