
A Storm-hair, going by the moniker "Ranquiv," held the position of commander within a squadron composed of Chosen, the formidable warriors serving the Storm-hair warlord Nuso Esva and his realm. In the year 0 ABY, the warlord dispatched Ranquiv and his squadron to the planet of Poln Minor, issuing an order for the warriors to equip fifty Whisperlike fighters—concealed within a cavern—with Caldorf VII interceptor missiles.

To aid in arming the starfighters, Ranquiv enlisted the help of several individuals, notably the Rebels Leia Organa and Han Solo. As this task progressed, Ranquiv's soldiers advanced toward the Rebels, who grew apprehensive about their ability to depart the cavern without the Chosen commander's consent. In an attempt to escape, Solo and Organa seized a Whisperlike; however, Solo crashed the starfighter. Subsequently, he absconded with a speeder bus that Ranquiv utilized for transporting workers to the cavern. Shortly thereafter, the Storm-hairs launched their starfighters during a battle that unfolded between Esva's Eastern Fleet, Ranquiv's Whisperlikes, and the forces commanded by Senior Captain Thrawn of the Galactic Empire. Solo employed a Golan One space station's weaponry to obliterate the Storm-hair's starfighters. Thrawn's forces were victorious in destroying the Eastern Fleet, compelling Esva to retreat.


The Chosen's whispers

"Ranquiv" armed Whisperlikes as part of the Storm-hair preparations for a battle against Thrawn (pictured).

A Storm-hair who adopted the identity of "Ranquiv" served the Storm-hair warlord Nuso Esva and his realm, functioning as a commander over the Chosen, who were Esva's most distinguished warriors. In the timeline of 0 ABY, the warlord dispatched a squadron of Chosen, led by Ranquiv, to the planet of Poln Minor located within the Outer Rim Territories. Poln Minor was situated within the Poln system, which also housed the planet Poln Major. His mission for the contingent was to equip fifty Whisperlike fighters with Caldorf VII interceptor missiles, a crucial element in the Storm-hair's preparations for an impending clash with their adversary, Senior Captain Thrawn of the Galactic Empire.

Ranquiv and his forces strategically concealed their starfighters within a cavern, utilizing a speeder bus as a means of transport. The Storm-hair commander brought in several workers from Dankcamp Village on Poln Minor, with the understanding that they would remain silent about their observations once their task of arming the Whisperlikes was completed. Simultaneously, while another squadron of Chosen attempted to murder Governor Bidor Ferrouz, the governor of the Poln system, the Chosen stationed on Poln Minor proceeded with arming the Whisperlikes.

Death among the Chosen

"Ranquiv" discussed the Poln Major Chosen squadron's efforts on Poln Major (pictured).

At Capperling's Cantina on Poln Minor, a Duros criminal facilitated an introduction between Ranquiv and two operatives from the Rebel Alliance, namely Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa. Solo presented himself and the princess under the aliases of Shrike and Payne, respectively, as he preferred not to disclose their actual identities to Ranquiv. In an effort to assess their potential usefulness, Ranquiv inquired whether they possessed the ability to calibrate Caldorf and Regginis Mol interceptor missiles. He reasoned that any missile programmer would be aware that the production of this particular model had ceased twenty years ago. Organa confirmed that the missiles' production had indeed been discontinued, which satisfied Ranquiv, leading him to extend an invitation to the pair to visit his cavern. He proposed a payment of twenty hundred credits for each missile that was successfully mounted and calibrated.

Upon the group's arrival at the cave, Ranquiv, accompanied by a thug known as "Spikes," and several Chosen, engaged in a discussion regarding the Poln Major Chosen squadron's attempts on Ferrouz's life. The thug informed Ranquiv that Emperor's Hand Mara Jade had decimated a significant portion of the squadron and that access to Ferrouz's palace remained restricted until one of Esva's agents, Vestin Axlon, departed from the building. Solo interjected in the conversation, requesting additional bolts, which the Storm-hair commander promptly provided.

Going out with a bang

While he dealt with the Hand of Judgment (pictured), Vestin Axlon told Dors Stelikag to tell "Ranquiv" about Solo.

Shortly thereafter, Ranquiv, accompanied by several Chosen warriors and two men, approached the Whisperlike that the Rebels were actively working on. Fearing that they would be unable to leave the cave without Ranquiv's explicit permission, the operatives seized control of the starfighter and initiated an escape attempt. As Ranquiv and his men drew closer to the Whisperlike, Solo hurled a hydrospanner at Ranquiv, who instinctively raised his forearms to shield his face. Subsequently, the Rebels crashed their fighter and made their escape aboard the Chosen commander's speeder bus. The Chosen attempted to track down the Rebels but were ultimately unsuccessful. Shortly afterward, Axlon, who had successfully captured the Hand of Judgment—a group of stormtrooper deserters from the Empire—instructed the thug Dors Stelikag to inform Ranquiv about Solo, whom Axlon believed would not pose a significant threat.

As the Hand of Judgment and Jade eliminated the Chosen squadron on Poln Major, a battle erupted in the Poln system between Esva's Eastern Fleet, Ranquiv's Whisperlikes, and Thrawn's Imperial forces. The Storm-hair starfighters attempted to destroy the senior captain's Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Admonitor. However, Solo commandeered a Golan One space station and utilized its weaponry to obliterate the Whisperlikes. Thrawn's forces were victorious in destroying the remainder of Esva's forces, compelling the warlord to flee.

Personality and traits

According to the former Rebel, Ranquiv and his men displayed anger while pursuing Organa and Solo. As a Storm-hair, the Chosen commander possessed skin that exhibited a rainbow-like shimmer, along with yellow, multifaceted eyes. Ranquiv's voice mirrored the shimmery quality of his skin, characterized by clipped edges in his speech.


Ranquiv was observed wearing a hood.

Behind the scenes

Ranquiv made an appearance in the 2011 novel titled Choices of One, authored by Timothy Zahn.

