Raptor (starship)

The Raptor served as the Stark Commercial Combine's premier vessel.


Zur held the position of captain, while Shorshone was among the bridge officers. This vessel spearheaded the attack on the remnants of Ranulph Tarkin's private armada that had endured the navicomputer virus to reach Troiken, and it commanded the blockade, ensuring no survivors could flee.

The Raptor's demise.

During the events of the Fifth Battle of Qotile, Tholme and Quinlan Vos managed to get aboard the Raptor. Their mission was to transmit the necessary patch to repair the damage caused by the navicomputer virus. They also configured the ship's deflector shields to deactivate upon command. Following their success, the Jedi duo made their escape using one of the ship's fighters, just before Saesee Tiin's Jedi starfighters obliterated the vessel.

